Thursday, July 23, 2015

Library Book Organization Using Dropbox and QR Codes

Here's how I organized my books:

1.  I sorted by theme, genre, or author.  (used a variety)
2.  I took pictures of groups of like books, according to the before mentioned groups.
3.  I placed cropped pictures in a Dropbox file folder (I pay for the Pro version which is 1TB-plenty
of space.
4. I created a QR code for each folder. I used
5.  I numbered my boxes and put the appropriate codes and books together (notice in the picture the hanging numbers-qr codes are behind them).
6.  Next project:  I will number my books so that students can help me keep the library organized.

*I can't wait to need a book and go right to it.  I can even do a search in my Drobox Library folder
for particular books and find its sub-folder or box that it is in. 

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