Friday, July 24, 2015

SeeSaw-A Learning Journal

I cannot wait to use this app in my classroom!!!  It will work with everything I use and do!  

Explaining Showbie to a Senator

One of my sweet 1st graders explaining Showbie to Oklahoma Senator Darcy Jech at our Tech Fair in January 2015-this is the Showbie star of my iPads in the Classroom video

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Library Book Organization Using Dropbox and QR Codes

Here's how I organized my books:

1.  I sorted by theme, genre, or author.  (used a variety)
2.  I took pictures of groups of like books, according to the before mentioned groups.
3.  I placed cropped pictures in a Dropbox file folder (I pay for the Pro version which is 1TB-plenty
of space.
4. I created a QR code for each folder. I used
5.  I numbered my boxes and put the appropriate codes and books together (notice in the picture the hanging numbers-qr codes are behind them).
6.  Next project:  I will number my books so that students can help me keep the library organized.

*I can't wait to need a book and go right to it.  I can even do a search in my Drobox Library folder
for particular books and find its sub-folder or box that it is in. 

Math Tips and Tricks (multiplication)

Multiplication Tips and Tricks

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Summer's Over Sentence Scramble-Get it while it's free...

FREE for a short time!! This would be a perfect practice for your 1st(some help), 2nd, or 3rd graders at the beginning of school.  The pages in this file can be easily be uploaded to Showbie for paperless practice.

I LOVE my !

Friday, July 10, 2015

Popplet Lite and Primary Writer-hand in hand apps

Use Popplet 1st-  have kiddos choose a topic and create a 4 square.

Click the picture below to go to the app-Popplet Lite by Notion.

Using their 4 square they can write a rough draft.

Click the picture below to go to app-Primary Writer by Grassroots Technologies

Then they can use Primary Writer for their final draft.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

My Classroom Theme for the Year

My Class Theme for the Year- to me owls represent wisdom and are very cute!  Click the picture for my "THINGLINK".