Saturday, May 21, 2016

Thinglink on Epic Book Reports

Here's a Thinglink on Epic book Reports.  I app-smashed Showbie, Epic, PicCollage, Green Screen by DoInk, SeeSaw, and of course Thinglink. Click the link below to check out this interactive Thinglink.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Epic Oral Book Reports

The kids chose a nonfiction book on Epic.  They read their book and jotted down a few facts about their subject.  Then we created a green screen oral book report.  The kids were responsible to find their picture and they shared it with me for the green screen project via our Showbie Picture class.  We used Green Screen by DoInk.   These turned out really cute and we shared them with our parents on SeeSaw. 

Here is Carsen with his 
"book report" on Cobras.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Showbie + Book Creator + SeeSaw = Happy Moms

Each one of these apps can stand alone and stand tall but they have made themselves compatible for some great possibilities!  Here's one example of what you can do if you app-smash these 3 apps.